Wednesday, December 4, 2013

It's Crunch Time!

My last post was on Halloween...and it's already December! So what have I been doing in this time period?

To start with, I mulled over doing the WoW contest entry, came up with a few concept, but was overwhelmed by the amount of other work I had to do, mostly school assignments. If it's still going on, I may get back to it. However (and I had a reason for mentioning this), I did get quite a silly product out of my concepting in Zbrush with an idea I just had and ran with it. I present to you...whale shark man!

I'll definitely come back to this and work on him some more, maybe even give him a body! But this was a quick hour sketch (including polypaint) so I'll have to refine some lazily done areas and work on my lighting in Zbrush right now. It's time to get rid of that old standard lighting...eugh.

Anyways, aside from that, I have been working on my thesis, mostly doing rigging on the characters. I don't know the last time I even wrote about them, but they are essentially retopo'd and UV'd. They have their polypaint on them, but I still plan to do some clean up texturing. I am currently working on Taluun's rig and though the skinning is currently messed up, I have him posed. I will put him on a pedestal after a lot of cleanup and have him viewable in Sketchfab.

Here is him unposed. He is low poly and is roughly 18,000 tris. I didn't want him super low poly, but low enough so that he'd be game res...just not next gen.

On a side 2D note, I did a little quick project in one of my classes concepting some Wizard of Oz characters in the Spiral Knights universe. It's still a work in progress, but after 3 hours of work, I'd say its starting to come together. If nothing else, it was fun. I basically slapped the eyes and shading on there haphazardly, so uh, shows a little bit.

I also added a new page to my website for sculpts and took 2 pages off. Some of that content was quite old and needed to be removed.

That's all for now, but until next time, you should check out the new page on the site!

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